
Neanex is your partner in information management.

In construction & asset oriented industry we are handling a massive amount of information:
spread in teams, tools & stakeholders.

How do we make it accessible,
actionable for every day decision making,

and how do we become AI ready?

We help your organisation to become data driven, and gain the 'data' competitive advantage in the market.

Neanex is a strong believer of knowledge transfer, so training your teams to become data savy is part of our promise.

This way your organisation becomes future proof & independent from service providers & software suppliers.

Information Management

The control over process, information & data is key in our organisations. As data is the new gold, we need to rethink how we handle all that information, generated in this new digital ecosystem. More and more tools emerge. Paper is replaced by digital formats. But how can we capture our knowledge to re-use cross project & cross lifecycles? Our focus is to drive on data, not on application and functionalities, and in this way: gain the competitive advantage.

Digital Hand Over & Data Delivery

As we need to set our requirements not only on the physical asset & functional needs, but more and more also on the data demands we have for our project delivery, it is important to think this through. Data expectations come in different forms: from content to format, to the way of transformation and hand over. At what point in time do we deliver information and who does what? What about responsibilities? We translate ISO 19650 in explicit data & process approach.

Systems Engineering

Systems engineering for the built environment involves the application of a systematic approach to the design, construction, operation and maintenance of complex infrastructure and facilities. The goal of this way of working is to ensure the successful realisation of complex systems that meet the stakeholder needs and requirements throughout the assets' life cycle. In requirement management, contract demands & technical needs, we know our way around the applications, the data structure & the process.

Configuration Management

From requirement management & systems engineering tooling, document management or QA/QC. Managing tools in the right way is key. Our expertise in AECO industry & the digital ecosystem is based on the best of breed approach. Meaning that for key problems, you need key tools. Interoperability between different applications in your IT landscape plays an important role in efficiency & reliability. Applications & the way they are set up bring value in the way they collaborate. We have built over the years the insights in CONTECH & PROPTECH landscape to know these strong tools and the way we can match them up to make them even stronger.

BIM Data Engineering Services

As BIM is a crucial element of design, construction & operations of physical assets, this is not only about modelling in 3D. It involves a wide range of data & information concepts. And it can become very data complex at some point. But we like to keep it tangible. Driven by the process, tools come later. A true BIM process is a strategic advantage for your organisation. So starting yesterday is key.

Business Intelligence for Construction & Engineering

As our building information landscape contains many data sources and serves many goals, measuring, monitoring the quality of a process & data is key. That is why dashboards & reports are a key element to set your goals and take action where need. You first need to measure before you can change where needed. That is why we invest in building business intelligence service for AECO & BIM applications. To give you the temperature checks you need independent from your tools or process.

Standardisation & Linked Data

To organize data independent from tools, time & use cases, you need to apply a strong explicit way of working. To apply existing standards of your specific domain, or cross domain, to make sure you and your organisation is ready for the future, we do not need to re-invent, but make the right choices. We are experts in Linked Data, applying reference data library & classification systems used in the industry. Ontologies, taxonomy & knowledge graphs have no secret for us. And as one of the first adopters of amongst others graph technology in the industry we know how to manage your knowledge.

Digital Process Management

Analysing and optimising the way you work as a team and company is key. Communication and processes need to support your teams to work better & smarter. Define what knowledge you have & how you want to leverage this. With your people in the hart of it all. Innovation is about people not about technology. As Neanex is born in a system way of thinking we know how to use system thinking to create smooth processes to support your business goals. We know engineering & construction from the inside out so we talk your language and translate this in IT systems.

Digital Maturity Assessment

Line your digital strategy with a roadmap to fit your needs. As we have digital request and data challenges we somethimes lose the way. How do you start but keep a dot on the horizon in terms of data strategy? No digital transformation without a clear goal & roadmap. And where to start when your goals are defined. An audit can help you with this challenge. High level or deep dive, we can guide you along the way.

Fundamend Services

Fundamend is our own developed Digital Asset Twin solution. Working as a data driven common environment, this application can support your low & high maturity use cases of building information management. With integrations for requirements management tools, BIM tools like Revit & Navisworks, document management systems, IoT platforms,... we can enable multi application use of your asset data. This is both dedicated plugins, sync options or API driven. Find out more on the Fundamend website.

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