Discovering the Nordic Market with Tech Mission to Copenhagen

From 21 to 23 November, 

Agoria, , the Agoria Young Professionals and Sirris organized an economic mission for digital growth companies to Copenhagen, the capital of the world’s most sustainable and most competitive country. What makes Copenhagen so attractive in terms of sustainability and technology?

When it was founded in 1160, the city of Copenhagen was created to cover two main functions: to act as a trade hub and, in turn, a fortress to protect the Danish maritime trade and shipping. 

862 years later, the Danish capital is a leading model of urban sustainability. Cited as an exemplary city on countless occasions, experts coincide in considering it the world's greenest city. A title it was officially awarded in 2017, when the global network of C40 cities (mayors taking urgent action to confront the climate crisis) recognized its urban ecology. 

Denmark is also one of the most digitalized countries in the world, making it an attractive market to foster innovation and adopt disruptive technologies.  

Internationally, Denmark’s ecosystem of digital growth companies may be best known for Copenhagen-founded unicorns including Zendesk, Trustpilot and Pleo, but there are several other flourishing clusters of specialized tech knowledge. Aarhus is Denmark’s youngest city by population, Odense is a hub for robotics, and Jutlan offers both urban life and nature.  

The mission was a great succes for Neanex exploring a country with the right focus on digitalisation & sustainability.

As Neanex is already present in the region working for one of the most sustainable organisations in the world, the former DONG Energy, the Danish markt is open for further discovery and as a stepping stone for the Nordic region.

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